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"Fall seven times, rise eight." - Japanese proverb

Ikezu-Ishi (Malicious Rock) is a feudal Japan inspired RPG for one or more players. Players are citizens of a land in the midst of war and fear, with some seeking riches, others seeking thrills, but many just trying to get by.

"Ultimately you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really no path." - Morihei Ueshiba

Built on the rules-lite Cairn by Yochai Gal and Into the Odd by Chris McDowall, and borrowing from Block, Dodge, Parry by Lars Huijbregts, Ikezu-ishi provides rules and tables to help players create a vibrant setting and adventure for one or many play sessions.

Ikezu-ishi's tables can also be used in other games or settings, allowing players to bring the flavor into their favorite systems.

"Yes, the cherry trees put this truth very plainly: none of the glory of blossoms and autumn leaves lasts long in this fleeting world." - Murasaki Shikibu from The Tale of Genji

While this game is inspired by Japanese mythology and feudal society, it is by no means meant to be a history book and can be quite anachronistic, mixing political, social, and cultural elements from the Kamakura Period (1192-1333) through the early Tokugawa (Edo) Period (1603-1868). Efforts have been made to avoid stereotypes, orientalism, and interchanging Asian cultures, though there are some existing historical influences from China, Korea, Mongolia, and other cultures.

Available for Ikezu-ishi:


Ikezu-ishi - Feudal Japan inspired hack of Cairn, Into the Odd, and Block, Dodge, Parry. (Physical Copy)

Defenders of Koganemura - A Seven Samurai Inspired Adventure for Ikezu-ishi.

Locations of Adventure - 20 locations and settings for Ikezu-Ishi and any other system.

Online Generators to Help Your Game:

Ikezu-ishi Character Generator

And need a name? Male or Female?

Adventure Hook Generator

Updated 11 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Release date Nov 27, 2024
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(19 total ratings)
AuthorSerial Prizes
Tagscairn, Historical, into-the-odd, japan, mark-of-the-odd, OSR, rules-lite, samurai, Singleplayer, Solo RPG
Asset licenseCreative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
Average sessionA few seconds


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Ikezu-ishi v1.0 final.pdf 6.1 MB
Ikezu-ishi Character Sheet (Included in Book) 2.8 MB
Ikezu-Ishi - Legacy.pdf 357 kB

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hello, can i get some clarity around wilderness procedures? what does the +1, +2 watch stuff mean in practice? and i'm assuming they stack... last night as i was GMing,  the party was in extreme weather, tough terrain, wilderness location etc... which came out to be like +5 watches. but i didnt really know what that meant. did that mean it was +5 day/night phases to get to the next point? or does that mean +5 character travel actions per watch? idk

Yeah, they should stack, so if the distance between two points was medium (2 watches) but it’s a trail (+1) in the woods (tough +1) then it’s 4 total watches or 32 hours to travel from point A to point B. Players could leave point A and travel in the Morning, travel Afternoon, make camp at Night, then travel Morning, travel Afternoon, arrive at point B before Night. 

And psyched to hear you’re running this! Hope everyone enjoys it (minus a few clarifications, sorry about that).

(1 edit) (+1)

i bought the game recently and i am in love with the mechanics i have played cairn before but this one has an excellent combination with block dodge and parry and the care for the layout together with the love for the environment makes it a fantastic game.

I have some doubts :D

my idea is to give them a skill to start with in the first session, is it possible to use the block dodge and parry skill list as an example for my players?

 is it possible for players to be trained to add weapon skills to any weapon? for example add COUNTER to kama (page 9)

is there any reason why PUSH BLEED and BRUTAL from block dodge and parry v2 was not added?

well that's all. Thank you very much for the game I'm already building a scenario I hope my players like it.

Thanks for the compliment!

And sure, you could bring in BDP skills and even change the rules on how they apply, whatever works for your table. The rules are pretty modular so flavor for taste.

On Push, Bleed, Brutal, it came down to not many weapons being covered by some abilities compared to others, so for the sake of simplicity I narrowed down the list. But you can certainly bring them back in.

Enjoy and please let me know how it goes!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hope it’s ok to ask here – I have a question about the “Quick” weapon skill – please let me know if I should ask somewhere else.

Question -

The Quick weapon skill reads: “When deciding who goes first when up against a weapon of the same damage die, treat your DEX as being X higher."

I thought “deciding who goes first” is determined by a DEX save in the first round, with PCs not acting if they fail, and then alternates between PCs and opponents (page 25 in print, page in 33 pdf). I’m missing the part about how damage die affects who goes first. Any clarification you can offer would be appreciated!

Whoops, good catch. That's a holdover from the Block, Dodge, Parry SRD that somehow made it through edits. Thanks for the heads up, off to polish!


yes this confuses me too and im still unsure as this came up in play last night...

Ack, ok, need to revisit this wording, but the idea was that a Quick weapon helps with the DEX roll the first round of combat, regardless of opponent’s weapon. Essentially a -X modifier to the roll. Maybe something like:

Quick X: When determining who acts first during the first round of combat, treat your DEX as being X higher.

And I think I’ve figured a fix: the idea was that a Quick weapon helps with the DEX roll the first round of combat, regardless of opponent’s weapon. Essentially a -X modifier to the roll. Maybe something like:

Quick X: When determining who acts first during the first round of combat, treat your DEX as being X higher.


corrections are needed on page 49 of the amazon POD: random items #1-10 are not items

Aw crud, thanks for the heads up!

(1 edit) (+1)

would it be possible to split up some of the pages/spreads in the pdf to make it easier to give handouts to players, and to assist the GM, similar to how the character sheet is split off? i suppose i can do this myself in a pdf editor but i am just thinking out loud... what about also releasing the affinity template/SRD? 

thanks so much for the cool book, got it on amazon


I’m working on an SRD here, need to clean I’m up but feed free to use it as needed


very cool, thanks!

(2 edits) (+1)

Really the amount of content & the layout is amazing. Just by reading it, it probably one of my favorite hack ever. Will definitively play it quite a lot when I find the time.

Minor remark : For the settlement name generator, the formula should be 3d20 not 2

I've created one character creator : https://perchance.org/qys7lk7vz8

And name generators :
- Male : https://perchance.org/vxvdm1q8qk
- Female : https://perchance.org/kt1rt1mpiw


These are amazing! Great work and thanks for putting these together!


And thanks for catching that edit on the settlement name generator.

(2 edits) (+2)

In the page 110 (of the version 0.9) : (Samurai) is written (Saumrai)

I will continue to edit this post if I find any mispelling


YIKES! I'll have to check the "final". Thanks for that!


May I ask where that Kibin (機敏) for Dexterity / Agility comes from? I mean, Chikara (力) for Strength / Power is sort of all right in this context, and so is Kiai (気合) for Willpower / Fighting Spirit; but I am wondering about using Kibin (機敏) here. Is there a specific reason behind choosing that certain word?

I had found it used for "Agile" but I could be viewing it in the wrong context. I have Kiyosa in my notes as well, though I'm not sure how I settled on Kibin. Is there a better word for it? (File is ready for editing!) -- Thanks!


I'm just curious, really. For reference, in D&D, STR is called Kinryoku (筋力) and DEX is Binshouryoku / Binshōryoku  (敏捷力); while in CoC, STR is also called Kinryoku (筋力) likewise, and DEX is Binshousei / Binshōsei (敏捷性), etc.

Oh, and what about Ryu as a currency? Is it perhaps supposed to be a fictional version of the original Ryou / Ryō (両)?


I like those for the abilities, will likely update. If it's good enough for D&D and CoC...

And good gravy, I did that with Ryo everywhere, didn't I? No idea how I got that wrong throughout, I know better. Thank you!


You can check the Japanese version of Cairn too if you need a reference. https://oozejar.itch.io/cairn-ja/devlog/704656/-translation-update

For example:

頑健 Genken STR

敏捷 Binsho DEX

意思 Ishi WIL


Woah dang, that’s right! The community has already delivered. Thanks!


What an extensive, complete, and inspired work! Really cool to see Block, Dodge, Parry inspire new games like this. Congratulations on the release!

Thank you! BDP is a fantastic book, really helps add depth while keeping the rules lite. And how could I NOT borrow rules for Dueling?

(1 edit) (+1)

Just 2 minor remarks:

・On pages 10, 15 and 113 (4), the Japanese word for Hunter is Yakuzaishi (meaning Herbalist), while that for the actual Herbalist is Kusushi. Now, both words mean Herbalist, and it is up to you which one to keep, but the word for Hunter should be fixed. As a reference, on page 18 and 19, the Japanese word for Herbalist is Yakuzaishi (could be Kusushi as well), while that for Hunter is Ryoshi. This is correct, although the proper transliteration of Ryoshi (猟師) would be either Ryoushi or Ryōshi. (Speaking of which, as I mentioned previously, for the so-called Romanisation of Japanese words, I would strongly advise choosing a single transliteration method and sticking to it consistently.)

・On pages 10, 15, 115 (2) and 116 (5), the Japanese word for Performer has a typo. That Gwinoujin should be Geinoujin (芸能人), as it is correctly on page 21.


You are AWESOME! Thank you!

Question on Hunter (Ryoushi) - I'm adding a background for fisherman, but it looks like that has the same translation. Is there a different term for either that could apply? Thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

Indeed, when transliterated, that word for hunter (猟師) and fisherman (漁師) would be the very same. Well, in fact there are many words for both, and I’m not entirely sure which ones would be the most proper (chronologically speaking), but here is a few:

Hunter: Karyuudo / Karyūdo (狩人 or 猟人), Karibito (also 狩人 or 猟人), Shuryousha / Shuryōsha (狩猟者)

Fisherman: Gyofu (漁夫 or 漁父), Gyomin (漁民), Gyogyousha / Gyogyōsha (漁業者), Gyosen’in (漁船員)

Alternatively, you could keep Ryoushi / Ryōshi for just one of them (I would advise for the Fisherman), and use some of the above for the other.


Here is some for the other 3:

Farmer: Nouka / Nōka (農家); also called Noumin / Nōmin (農民), Hyakushou / Hyakushō (百姓)

Mountain Ascetic: Yamabushi (山伏); also called Nobushi (野臥 or 野伏)

Tea Master: Sajin or Chajin (茶人); also called Sadouka / Sadōka (茶道家), Cha-no-Shisou / Cha-no-Shishō (茶の師匠), O-Tsume (御詰)


Hot damn, thanks!


I need some help.. I didn't understand the numbers in the Encounters by Terrain Type table, in page 78..

Where should those numbers take me?

That’s my mistake. I was reworking encounters and had pulled them from the book. Not sure why I left the chart in there tho.

Here are the encounters tables that will be in v0.8 which I’m hoping to release  by the end of September. Hope these help!



Ooooh those clearly help! 😁

Thank you very much.


This is excellent both as a Feudal Japan game and as a Cairn hack. Go ahead, can’t wait for the final product


Wow, thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing!!! Would be possible to get some kind of Card Character Sheet? I haven't seen many sheets using Feudal Japan theme, it would be nice! Plus I love using cards, I was thinking to print by myself the complete Bestiary in card format to use it.

Thanks! Character sheet is in the works for the next version (as well as some additional cleaning up and stuff) but I'm a big fan of cards and other supplements to help move the game along. Good suggestion, I'll look into it and keep it in mind when putting the character sheet together.


Very much interested in this probably going to use this for some of my solo world building. 

Is their any particular playtest feedback you're looking for currently?

Awesome, I'm hoping there's value in this even for folks who want to worldbuild outside of the game. 

For feedback, any is appreciated, but specifically if the worldbuilding tools are well organized, complete enough, and make sense. Spent a lot of time trying to settle on order of things for flow purposes so want to make sure it all works. Thanks!

(4 edits) (+2)

A piece of linguistic advice, if I may: Choose a single transliteration method and stick to that consistently. As you might be aware, there are several methods for the so-called romanisation of Japanese words. For example, depending on the method, the word 浪人 can be transcribed as rounin (literally), rōnin, ronin or even as rohnin; much like the word 妖怪 can be transcribed as youkai (literally), yōkai, yokai or yohkai as well. Now, once you picked one, whichever it may be, you should apply that one for each and every word, accordingly. For example, if you choose to use the rōnin, ryōshi, kōfu, etc. format, then yatou should be yatō and sougiya should be sōgiya too; and vice versa (speaking of which, among the Human NPC’s, rōnin is ronin instead). Similarly, words like sohei, wako, shakujo or bo should be sōhei / souhei, wakō / wakou, shakujō / shakujou and / bou, respectively. (Well, personally, I would not endorse using letters with macron and/or circumflex diacritics, and highly prefer the literal transliteration instead.)

 Also, some cultural remarks on certain words:

・Bandit (Yatou): yatō / yatou (野盗) does mean bandit or brigand, indeed (literally, “plains robber” or “field thief”), but I would suggest considering sanzoku (山賊) instead.

・Cleric (Shinshoku): shinshoku (神職) is a specific term, referring to Shintō Priesthood; while the Cleric’s weapon, the shakujō (錫杖), is a traditional Buddhist weapon (khakkhara, in Sanskrit). For Cleric, consider using some other words like seishokusha (聖職者), sōryo / souryo (僧侶), shisai (司祭), etc. instead. Note: Since the game is supposed to be set in the Japan’s feudal period (during the 12th to 19th centuries, that is), both religions as well as their various syncretic forms can be relevant.

・Gambler (Bakuchiuchi): bakuchiuchi (博奕打ち) is a professional gambler, expressively. Also, consider some other words like tobakushi (賭博師), etc. instead.

・Herbalist (Kusushi): kusushi (医師 / 薬師) is simply an obsolete word for doctor or healer (including herbal medicine). Also, consider some other words like honzōgakusha / honzougakusha (本草学者), honzōka / honzouka (本草家), kanpōi / kanpoui (漢方医), yakuzaishi (薬剤師), etc. instead.

・Merchant (Shāngrén): shāngrén is the Chinese reading of the word 商人, of which the Japanese reading is shōnin / shounin. Also, consider some other words like gyōsha / gyousha (業者), chōnin / chounin (町人), etc. instead.

・Performer (Sarugaku): sarugaku (猿楽) is a specific term, referring to the Noh Theatre of the Kamakura and Muromachi periods (especially during the 11th to 14th centuries), while the game is supposed to be set in the Japan’s feudal era (during the 12th to 19th centuries, that is). Consider some other words like geinōjin / geinoujin (芸能人), engisha (演技者), etc. instead.

・Servant (Meshitsukai): meshitsukai (召使) does mean servant or menial, indeed; although such words might imply different nuances than their equivalents in certain cultures. Also, consider some other words like shimobe (下部), kerai (家来), etc. instead.

・Undertaker (Sougiya): Although funerals and graves do exist in Japan, Western-style burials employing funeral directors and morticians are relatively modern inventions (compared to the game’s supposed setting). Sougiya (葬儀屋) is a specific term, referring to the latter; which seems to be confirmed by the character’s weapon: a Shovel. I would suggest considering some other words like onbō / onbou (隠亡) [cemetery guard / crematorium worker], hakamori (墓守り) [gravekeeper], hakahori (墓掘り) [gravedigger], etc. instead.

・Tetsu Katana (Iron Sword): This sounds like a weirdly awkward combination of words; plus if you use tekkō (鉄甲) for iron knuckles and tessen (鉄扇) for iron fan, then for iron sword, tekken (鉄剣) would be the most obvious and proper choice.

・Ō-yoroi Armor: ō-yoroi (大鎧) means “great armour” or “big armour”; yoroi (鎧) might suffice in itself.


Please note that I have no intention to criticise or nit-pick here. On the contrary, I would fully understand if you are not interested in such details, but since I do like the basic idea, I just thought I would comment on this particular aspect of it.


Woah dang this is incredible, thank you! These are exactly the kind of details that push the limits of my admittedly mainstream, generic, western based knowledge and that I absolutely want to get right. Definitely taking all of this into account for next edits (coming soon because of formatting issues in v0.4). Certainly feel free to let me know any other things that stand out to you, but may I also reach out for additional input if I have questions? Thank you!


Sure, anytime.


Excellent project! If you need any help, count on me!

Thanks! Expect me to bug you in the near future!